Phone: 907-274-1703
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 110650
Anchorage, AK 99511-0650
Office location:
8005 Schoon Street
Anchorage, AK 99518
The mission of the RPEA is to ensure earned, constitutionally protected State of Alaska retirement benefits are not diminished or impaired.
The objectives of the RPEA are to educate and assist retired and retiring public employees in Alaska about their retirement benefits.
RPEA members are public servants who retired or will soon retire under an Alaskan public employee retirement system, and their beneficiaries.
The RPEA works hard to monitor and track legislative or administrative issues that would have either a positive or a detrimental impact on your Alaska retirement benefits.
We have been advocating on behalf of public service retirees for more than 25 years using an all-volunteer Executive Board, aided by our committees and their members and our part-time staff.
Find out more about what we do for you and what you can do with us through volunteering.
Because Only You Can Protect Your Health and Pension Benefits!
Our mission is to protect the health and pension benefits you worked so hard to earn.
We, the Retired Public Employees of Alaska:
As an RPEA member, you can help us continue the important work first begun back in 1997, when RPEA Local 4900R was formed by the APEA/AFT with volunteers and initial funding from the APEA.
Today, the RPEA continues as a volunteer organization in which current active public employees may become associate members of the RPEA, and all public retirees may join as regular, voting members of the RPEA and serve on RPEA committees.
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