Join Members' Area

Phone: 907-274-1703


Mailing address:

P.O. Box 110650

Anchorage, AK 99511-0650

Office location:

8005 Schoon Street

Anchorage, AK 99518

The Mission of the RPEA

The mission of the RPEA is to ensure earned, constitutionally protected State of Alaska public employee retirement benefits are not diminished or impaired.

The RPEA does this by:

  • Proactively staying informed about current issues which may impact State of Alaska retirement health and pension benefits;
  • Taking action when those benefits are in jeopardy and supporting actions which improve those benefits;
  • Keeping RPEA members informed of these issues;
  • Obtaining input from RPEA members about their concerns; and
  • Maintaining regular communication between the RPEA and appropriate agencies and boards, including
  • the Alaska Retirement Management (ARM) Board, which manages and invests both our public retiree health and public retiree pension trusts;
  • the Division of Retirement and Benefits (DBR), which manages and administers all public retiree health plans;
  • the Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board (RHPAB), which proposes, advises, and advocates on behalf of public retirees before the DRB on proposals to improve our retiree health plan benefits; and
  • the Alaska Legislature, which proposes and enacts legislation impacting public employee and retiree health and pension benefits, and which annually must fund an appropriation to pay-down the current underfunding of the retiree pension fund.

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