The mission of the RPEA is to ensure earned, constitutionally protected State of Alaska public employee retirement benefits are not diminished or impaired.
The RPEA does this by:
- Proactively staying informed about current issues which may impact State of Alaska retirement health and pension benefits;
- Taking action when those benefits are in jeopardy and supporting actions which improve those benefits;
- Keeping RPEA members informed of these issues;
- Obtaining input from RPEA members about their concerns; and
- Maintaining regular communication between the RPEA and appropriate agencies and boards, including
- the
Alaska Retirement Management (ARM) Board, which manages and invests both our public retiree health and public retiree pension trusts;
- the
Division of Retirement and Benefits (DBR), which manages and administers all public retiree health plans;
- the
Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board (RHPAB), which proposes, advises, and advocates on behalf of public retirees before the DRB on proposals to improve our retiree health plan benefits; and
- the
Alaska Legislature, which proposes and enacts legislation impacting public employee and retiree health and pension benefits, and which annually must fund an appropriation to pay-down the current underfunding of the retiree pension fund.