Health Benefits Committee

Stephanie Rhoades, Chair


The mission of the Health Benefits Committee (HBC) is to ensure information is provided to the RPEA Executive Board and Retiree Benefits Committee concerning changes to the retiree health insurance plan that are proposed by the Division of Retirement and Benefits.

This is achieved by

  1. Holding regular committee meetings,
  2. Continually reviewing the existing retiree health insurance program. This includes the Medical, Dental/Vision/Audio (DVA) and Long-Term Care (LTC) plans,
  3. Analyzing proposed changes to that program instituted by the Division of Retirement and Benefits.


Scheduled HBC Monthly Meetings by Zoom

Meetings held on the second Wednesday of every month

Join the meeting using this Zoom link.
(Meeting ID: 832 4068 2682)
(Passcode: 3310)

Alternately, you can join telephonically
by dialing your nearest location:

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+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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