Update on the Social Security Fairness Act: Good News!

Last week, the U.S. House passed legislation repealing the onerous Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO) by an overwhelming margin: 327-75. Congresswoman Mary Peltola was a strong ‘yes’ vote and had signed the discharge petition paving the way for a floor vote.

Together, the WEP and GPO provisions unfairly reduce Social Security benefits for public employees and teachers who receive a public pension such as PERS or TRS. Alaskans are especially impacted.

Now, for this critical measure to become law, the Senate must approve it. S. 597 is a bipartisan bill led by Senators Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) with more than 60 Senators signing on as cosponsors, including Senator Lisa Murkowski. The Senate has roughly six weeks to act.

If you want to add your voice in supporting reforming Social Security and repealing the WEP/GPO, call your senators soon.

Senator Lisa Murkowski (202) 224-6665 or (877) 829-6030
Senator Dan Sullivan (202) 224-3004

Finally, a special thanks to Doug Gregg, a member of RPEA’s Legislative Information Committee, for his Letter to the Editor in the November 17th edition of the Anchorage Daily News. Gregg writes,

“Many Alaskans who worked for the state of Alaska or other public sector employers have been subjected to these penalties. There is a broad bipartisan consensus that these penalties are unjust and hurt our troopers, teachers, firefighters and police officers the most.”

Cindy Spanyers
RPEA Legislative Information Director
November 21, 2024